Monday, October 31, 2011

Amazing things are happening!

You may or may not know that we are now considering Norse park on Kriedeman Drive in Stoughton as the potential location for the Stoughton Inclusive Dream Park.
The Stoughton Park and Rec Committee is set to take up the issue on Wednesday at 5:30pm and we are again hoping that the Park and Recreation Committee approves the location and will send it to the Stoughton City Council to be approved.
Sunday afternoon Jennie Masten and I delivered flyers to approximately 40 homes surrounding the park. The flyers gave a brief bit of information about the Park and what we intend to bring to the Stoughton Community. We wanted to make sure the neighbors we aware and allow them an opportunity to come and hear more about it at the Wednesday Park and Recreation meeting.
We knocked on each door we delivered flyers to and if people we home we told them about our amazing project and what ti would mean for the Park in its current state.
Most everyone we talked to, except for one person, seemed very excited and super supportive. We can only hope that those who support us will be vocal advocates for the Park.

We are also scheduled to have a meeting with State Assembly Representative Gary Hebl regarding our project on November 22nd at the Capitol. THAT is some pretty exciting stuff.

I also passed out some more flyers downtown today and most people are pretty excited about the project. I love when they say they have already heard about it!

Got some more promises for donations for the Silent Auction and some gift certificates today from Forrest Street Furniture . Check it out on the updated list!

Amazing things are happening in Stoughton! Don't you want to be a part of it too?
Email to find out how you can help!

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Stoughton Inclusive Dream Park by Stoughton Inclusive Dream Park is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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